Marching Around Bend - Photo Essay
Hey, did you hear about the Women’s March on Washington!? Oh, right - unless your news is delivered via the Pony Express, you did.
Most people in Bend live here for the amazing outdoor access, not for political events. Yet 5,000 people skipped a powder day of skiing on Mt. Bachelor to march through downtown on Saturday. Chelsea volunteered as a peacekeeper for the protest while I flitted about photographing the event.
The march felt overwhelmingly positive, with families by the hundreds and many messages like this.
I felt totally inspired to see families, friends, and people young and old peacefully exercising their 1st Amendment rights. No matter which side of the aisle your politics lie on, an engaged United States is a positive thing. Stepping out from behind social media is a powerful action - I heard one woman telling her friend, “I felt so alone after the election; now I know there are tons of people in Bend like me.”
Here’s the photo essay!
Chelsea directing traffic as a peacekeeper during the march.
This Russian woman's sign reads, "Make America Great Again."
Our crew for the march!