Mountains, Rainbows and Rivers Make All This Pedaling Worthwhile
The last week of cycling was physically tough as we hit the mountain passes with sore butts and less-than-fresh legs. It was also tooootally worth it for the simply amazing countryside we had the pleasure of traversing thanks to Glacier and Waterton Parks in Montana and Alberta, Canada.
Here are a few choice recent shots, plus one of us to prove we're still together and happy. ;) The last is one of my new favorites - it captures the joy that exploring via bike is all about. Enjoy!

Riding north on the east side of Glacier toward Canada.

(Definitely click to view full size!) Late bloom this far north up in Canada at Waterton Lake. (The mosquitoes practically carried me off as I took this picture...)

Riding up Going-to-the-Sun Road in the early morning in Glacier.

My too-cute smiling wife at the end of a rainbow! Riding next to Weeping Wall in Glacier on Going-to-the-Sun Road.